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"Ideas Club" Call for Applications - 2023: INCLUSION AND CLUTURAL DIVERSITY
Posted 18. September 2023 - 14:10 by Mathias Fröck
Two TU Dresden sutdents (undergraduate or master) will have the opportunity to participate in the first EUTOPIA Ideas Club, a student-led club that aims to raise awareness of European values and whose first session will be dedicated to inclusion and cultural diversity.
There will be up to two participants from each of the Eutopia Alliance [1] members [namely: Universitat Pompeu Fabra(Barcelona, Spain), Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai (Cluj-Napoca, Romania), Vrije Universiteit Brussels (Bruxelles, Belgium), CY Cergy Université Paris (Paris, France), Technische Universität Dresden (Dresden, Germany), Göteborgs universitet (Gothenburg, Sweden), Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (Lisbon, Portugal), Univerza v Ljubljani (Ljubljana, Slovenia), The University of Warwick (Coventry, United Kingdom), and Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (Venice, Italy)]. - and the aim is to give them a voice in forming and developing European identity and inclusive citizenship.
This first Ideas Club session is on site in Paris, France on October 12, 2023. The event will be hosted by CY Cergy Paris Université and is co-organised by EUSTT (Eutopia Student Think Tank [2]). On October 13, 2023 also at CY Cergy, there will be a separate event, the BeEUTOPIAn conference. The selected Ideas Club participants are supported to attend this conference, too.
The application deadline is September 23 and we expect to notify selected candidates by September 24, 2023.
How to apply
- Applicants must be undergraduate or master's students of the TU Dresden. No previous knowledge or experience in a specific topic or sector is required. If there is any change in their status at the time of selection or during the session, they must declare this. If at any stage of the application process, it is found that the information provided has been deliberately falsified, the candidate will be disqualified.
- Applications should be sent by email to eutopia@stura.tu-dresdende. - subject line "Call for selection of the Ideas Club" - accompanied by a Letter of Motivation in English (max. 1500 words) describing the reasons for your interest in the event, the strengths of your application and the results we can expect from your participation.
- Applications will be accepted until 23 September 2023. Any application received after the deadline will not be considered.
- Selected students will be contacted by e-mail to confirm their participation.
Selection criteria
Students will be selected based on the following criteria:
- Quality of the motivation letter, which must include: a presentation of the candidate and critical spirit in the face of social and contemporary challenges; relevance of the chosen Ideas Club theme in the candidate's journey and personal development; knowledge of the EUTOPIA Alliance and its role for a better Europe; an active knowledge of English;
- Student's CV (including activities related to social activism, citizenship, and volunteering, Language level according Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)
- Deadline for applications: 23 September 23, 2023.
- Announcement of selected candidates: September 25, 2023.
- Deadline for acceptance/confirmation of participation: September 26, 2023
- Deadline for short essay (1-3 pages) on the topic of the event, following the guidelines.
After selection
More information on what is expected of selected students. Selected students will be covered for transport and accommodation costs to attend the event.
Studierendenrat TU Dresden - Haus der Jugend - George-Bähr-Str.
1e - 01069 Dresden
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